4/17 update
4/17 Update
Cases reported in MT: 422
The State of Montana updates this map every day at 10 AM https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html…
Cases reported in LC: 7
- Recovered: 6
- Deaths: 1
- Hospitalizations: 1
Tested in Lincoln County: 453
Negative: 417
Pending: 29
At this time there are no active cases in Lincoln County. All cases are recovered and out of isolation or deceased. This does not reduce risk of exposure, it only means that these 6 people are healthy, no longer have the virus and are not at risk of exposing others. Please continue to follow the stay at home order and practice social distancing.
We will discontinue posting daily evening updates after tonight until we have more active cases. We will continue to post important information and updates as necessary. We will continue to test and will post a weekly testing number update on Friday evenings. Please call 406-293-6295 for any COVID-19 questions.
The Lincoln County COVID-19 Information Line (406-293-6295) will be staffed 7 days per week, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.